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General terms of use of the site and mobile application, general rules and legal responsibilities regarding this,  It is recommended to read the User and Membership Agreement, which includes the contract terms, rules and legal responsibilities stated below, before using the mobile application of and Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk. If the specified conditions are not suitable for you, do not use the website or mobile application.

For the establishment of this user and membership agreement, you must enter the requested Member information and the password you will determine, by giving the specified approval and / or permissions.  just press the button. We kindly ask you to enter your name, e-mail address/mobile phone number and other mandatory information accurately, completely and without errors; If you notice an error, correct it. The Member who approves this Agreement by entering the information requested in the Membership Information on our Site; It accepts information on personal data transactions and membership, customer service on our site, mobile application and stores, assuming that it has seen, read, reviewed and understood the terms and conditions beforehand.

Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk reserves the right to change, reorganize, and stop publication of any service, product, terms of use available on this site or mobile application, and the information presented on the site or mobile application without prior notice. Changes take effect on the site or mobile application on the date of publication. Çetinoğlu Jewelery recommends its Members and Users to visit the legal warning page every time they log into the site or mobile application.


Over the Internet or from our application you have installed on your mobile device,  The party that you will make a contract for ("Site") membership is Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk.

User; A person who visits Çetinoğlu Jewelery website and application with or without shopping.

Member; Anyone who wishes to use Çetinoğlu Jewelery to purchase products is any natural or legal person whose membership is approved by Çetinoğlu Jewelery by filling out the membership form completely. In this agreement, they will be referred to as "MEMBER" for short. Individuals over the age of 18 can become a member by completely filling out the relevant membership form on the SITE with their real identity information. Companies that want to become a MEMBER (Individuals and partners), Collective Companies, Ordinary Commandite Companies, Limited Companies with Shares Divided into Shares, Limited Companies, Joint Stock Companies, Cooperatives and other institutions' legal information and legal authorities over the age of 18, complete the relevant membership form on the SITE. By filling in, you can become a MEMBER and take action on behalf of your institutions. "Member name" is unique to the member and the same "Member name" cannot be given to two different MEMBERS.  


The services that Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk will provide over the website and mobile application generally consist of electronic commerce defined in the Consumer Law legislation.

Cetinoglu Jewelry,  to Çetinoğlu Jewellery, including but not limited to the services to be provided through the site and mobile application.  of the products offered for sale at or in the mobile application of Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk;  It is delivered to the User or Member by the courier company on behalf of Çetinoğlu Jewellery, after paying the price including taxes and other legal obligations.


3.1. Persons under the age of 18 cannot shop from our website or mobile application. By logging into the site and/or becoming a member, the person declares and accepts that he or she is over the age of 18.

3.2. When you make a purchase, you agree that it is a purchase for personal use and not for resale.

3.3. You do not have to be a member of the system to shop. However, you must be a member in order to benefit from various advantages and to make your next purchases even faster.

3.4. The member declares that the address, e-mail address, fixed and mobile phone lines and other contact information that he/she declares in the membership form or updated by him/her are correct before the law, and that Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk is liable to indemnify all damages incurred due to the inaccuracy of this information. Çetinoğlu Jewelery has the right to reach the Member for communication, marketing, notification and other purposes via letter, e-mail, SMS, phone call and other means through the information it has notified, and Çetinoğlu Jewelery has the right to reach him, unless a written notification is made to the contrary, with the approval of this membership agreement. He/she accepts that he/she may contact him/her in order to carry out the communication activities listed above, use his/her information within the framework of its own marketing activities, and share it with third parties within the framework of the personal data protection law. 

3.5. The prices and applicable sales conditions of all products offered for sale on the website and mobile application are valid only on the website and mobile application. 

3.6. Çetinoğlu Jewelery is not responsible for price and content errors caused by typesetting and system errors, and does not cancel or fulfill orders that are shown incorrectly.  reserves the right. 

3.7. Trademarks, trade names, titles, logos, graphics, patterns, images, general view, texts and all other materials and technical data used in the website, mobile application and, if available, its extensions and Çetinoğlu Jewelery and Jewelry Trade Inc., to which it is affiliated.  owned and legally protected. The text and graphic files presented on this site are protected by copyright and/or registered trademark laws or by any other means as a registered design of For this reason, including any text or visual material listed above and included in the website and its extensions, if any,  No element may be used without prior permission. No material and functionality on this site can be published in other media, copied, reproduced, modified, reproduced, converted to another license, sent by mail, uploaded to a computer and used for any purpose, cannot be linked, without the permission of Çetinoğlu Jewellery, cannot be used on other websites. While all other rights other than those listed are reserved, Çetinoğlu Jewelery has the right to resort to all kinds of legal and criminal remedies in case of violation of these.
3.8. Çetinoğlu Mücevherat ve Kuyumculuk Ticaret A.Ş. has no responsibility whatsoever for any direct and/or indirect damages that may arise as a result of accessing the website and the mobile application and, if available, its extensions, using the information and other data on the site. 

3.9. In case of linking to the website(s) that Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk does not own, from the website, Çetinoğlu Jewelry does not have any legal, penal, administrative or other responsibility for the contents and/or the links they contain. The risk that may arise when accessing these linked sites belongs entirely to the Members and Users.

3.10. Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk has no responsibility for any interruption, deletion, loss, delay in the transaction, getting a computer virus, entering the records without permission, theft, changing or using the records for whatever reason.

3.11. The processing date of money order/EFT orders is not the date the order is placed, but the date when the payment is seen to reach our bank accounts.

3.12. For money order/EFT orders, orders that are not paid within 72 hours and are not notified of the transaction by clicking the "I made a wire transfer/EFT" button and/or via e-mail are canceled.

3.13. Cetinoglu Jewellery, does not keep the stock of all the products offered for sale on the website. The ordered products are produced when deemed necessary. However, for various reasons, it may not be possible to produce ordered products that are out of stock. In this case, the person placing the order is informed via e-mail or phone, and the amount received for the product is charged to the bank account if the order was placed using a credit card, if it was given to a credit card via money order/EFT, any penal clause, interest, etc. it is returned in its original form. 

3.14. If it is detected that incorrect, incomplete and misleading information and statements are entered on our site, contrary to the general moral rules, public order and Turkish law, activities that threaten the security of the site and the operating system, the information in the site content is tried to be changed or deleted, and similar situations are detected. The user's right to access our site may be blocked. All kinds of legal and penal rights, including the right to terminate the contract unilaterally, of Çetinoğlu Jewelery regarding persons and institutions involved in such activities are reserved.

3.15. The member does not have the right to share information such as membership name and password with third parties and organizations, and to access and use the information of other members. The member is responsible for any damage caused by the member's contrary action. All kinds of legal, administrative and penal liability arising from such uses belongs to the member.  will belong.


4.1. Members and Users, while using the site, are subject to notifications to be published by Çetinoğlu Jewelery regarding the services it provides, and all kinds of legal regulations, especially the Turkish Penal Code, Turkish Code of Obligations, Turkish Civil Code, Turkish Commercial Code, Law on Intellectual and Artistic Works, Trademark and Patent Legislation. declares, accepts and undertakes that all legal, penal and administrative responsibilities will belong to the Member and User in case of unlawful use. 

4.2. Members and Users may not use the website for a purpose contrary to general morality, to disrupt public order, to disturb others, and to violate the law. 

4.3. Çetinoğlu Jewelry, its Members and Users 4.1. In case it is determined that he/she does not comply with the obligations listed in the article and/or the general rules specified on the site, although not listed here, the Member or User has the right to temporarily/indefinitely block the use of the site and/or close the account, and to terminate the contract unilaterally.

4.4. The Member and the User shall indemnify all kinds of damages incurred by Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk due to their violation of the obligations undertaken under this contract, and all kinds of compensation and/or compensation that Çetinoğlu Jewelery may have to pay to public institutions and/or third parties due to the violation of the contract by the Member and the User. It declares, accepts and undertakes that it has the right of recourse to its Members and Users for/or administrative and judicial fines.

4.5. If the member wishes to cancel his membership, this  should notify their request via e-mail to info@Çetinoğ or by phone 0850 255 65 55. If the membership is canceled, the authorization to enter the site as a member will be removed.

4.6. Users and Members,  Keeping all correspondence with Çetinoğlu Jewelery is entirely their responsibility, and Çetinoğlu Jewelery cannot be held responsible for the deletion and/or loss of these correspondences under any circumstances. 

4.7. In the event that the member terminates his account, Çetinoğlu Jewelery reserves the right to delete/not delete the account information, and to share/not share it with third parties, within the framework of the law on the protection of personal data. In this case, the member does not have the right to demand any right or compensation from Çetinoğlu Jewellery under any circumstances. 

4.8. The relationship of the members with other members is entirely their own responsibility, and the members cannot engage in activities (spam, virus, trojan horse, etc.) and transactions that prevent or make it difficult for the users to use the site with other members and/or non-members. Otherwise, Cetinoglu Jewelery has the right to terminate the Membership account and demand compensation for any damages that have arisen or will arise, with the right to disclose the identity information of the Members in case of a criminal complaint and an investigation request from the official authorities. 

4.9. Cetinoglu Jewellery,  virus etc. of the website, mobile application. Despite the fact that the Members have taken the measures they can take in order not to contain the software,  In order to provide ultimate protection, it is required to supply a virus protection program. Members are responsible for all damages that may occur in their own software and operating systems when they enter the website, use the mobile application.

4.10. Çetinoğlu Jewelery reserves the right to unilaterally make changes in the provisions of this contract without notice, to permanently/temporarily suspend the services provided to Members and Users, and to change the content. Çetinoğlu Jewelery will publish the current status on the website if it makes changes in the specified issues.

4.11. Çetinoğlu Jewelery will be able to disclose the personal information of its Members, when required as a legal obligation, to act in accordance with legal requirements and/or to protect and defend the rights and property of Çetinoğlu Jewellery, within the framework of honesty rules. Please read the "Privacy Policy" section to read our general policy and the precautions we take to protect the personal information and privacy of our users. 

4.12. The ideas and opinions expressed and used by Members and Users on the website, mobile application, are purely their personal views and bind the owner of the opinion. Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk has no responsibility for the damages that may be incurred by third parties due to the ideas and opinions expressed by these persons, and for the damages that may be incurred by its Members and Users due to the ideas and opinions expressed by the third parties. 

4.13. In case of detection of Members and Users' activities contrary to the provisions of this contract, the contract of these persons may be terminated unilaterally by Çetinoğlu Jewelery without notice.

4.14. The parties accept and declare that all computer records belonging to Çetinoğlu Kuyumculuk will be taken as the sole and true exclusive evidence, in accordance with Article 193 of the HMK, and that the said records constitute a contract of evidence.  


The Member is deemed to have declared, accepted and committed to comply with this contract by completing and approving this membership form or by using this site or by placing an order. It can be terminated unilaterally by Çetinoğlu Jewelry.


Istanbul Anatolian Courts and Enforcement Offices are authorized to resolve disputes that may arise from the implementation of this contract.


7.1. The e-mail address that the member has notified to Çetinoğlu Jewelery is considered as the e-mail where the legal address will be requested for any notification to be made regarding this contract. Any notification made to the Member using this e-mail address is deemed to be received by the Member 1 day after the mail is sent.

7.2. Unless the parties notify the other party in writing of the changes in their current e-mails within 5 (five) days, they accept that the requests made to the old e-mails will be valid and will be deemed to have been made to them. 

The Member declares, accepts and undertakes that he has read, understood, accepted all the articles in this membership agreement and approved the accuracy of the information he has given about himself, and that he has consented to all commercial posts sent to him after this approval.

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